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We Provide more comprehensive freight service to satisfy small to corporate clients

Years of Experience
0 +

About Company

Logistics that is dedicated to your company

We arrange and clear customs for any import or export, airfreight or sea freight shipment.

The company’s objective is to maintain its professional identity and principles.

We believe in Trust & openness in our dealings

Our Company In Number

Completed Projects
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Active Hours
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What We Offer

Empower your business with better logistics

We assist you move your cargo or goods from the supplier oversees and have them cleared with Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA).

Air Freight

We provide international bulk and consolidated airfreight export, import and transit shipment of air cargo.

Road Transport

Our expertises allows us to offer transportation services tailored to each client’s specific needs.

Ocean Freight

We are Shipping a bulky shipment of goods by sea to ensure that they get where you want them to be.



Air Freight


Ocean Freight


Road Transport

Supply Chain Technology & Customized Solutions

Competitive Advantages To The Largest Companies!

Supply chains require innovative and effective management solutions to ensure the delivery of safe products to markets around the world.

Why Choose Us

Experience the benefits of smooth moving

Customized Solutions

Putting a premium on customizing end-to-end performance within your supply chain to lower overall costs.

Higher Profits for Your Business ​

We provide you with a comprehensive supply chain management service by upgrading the effectiveness of your current logistics.


Developing & providing solutions to your specifications to lower costs we provide the complete supply chain package - a one stop shop.

Friendly & Comprehensive Services

You can expect to have us take care of your goods from start to finish.

Whatever your industry, we are your global freight forwarder



Research based on the automobile companies of every revenue size and geographical areas, shows that the companies have turned to the supply chain professionals in order to experience further growth by managing global logistics.
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Tracking systems have been improved by advances in technology. Any cargo in transit can be tracked in real time, providing mile by mile delivery details.
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The principal task of national healthcare systems is to provide health services that are safe, accessible, high-quality and people-oriented. To ensure the continuity of healthcare, support activities related to patient transfer and logistics are necessary.
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Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

The renewable energy sector is an ever-changing and prevalent part of our world.
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For the longest time, the ocean routes have been used as a cheaper alternative means of transport at the expense of timely delivery.
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Clothing, shoes and accessories have short product life cycles with ever-changing styles that depend on the weather, consumer interests and overarching fashion trends.
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Our Portfolio

Learn how we help our customers achieve their goals

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Distribution, Warehousing

Warehousing and Distribution for Expansion

Dui penatibus cras ultrices cubilia montes. Hac est mattis morbi si molestie ultricies lorem. Iaculis ultrices non primis ac bibendum pharetra mollis aenean lobortis in.

Distribution, Transportation

Rail Transport Helps Shorten Transit Times

Dui penatibus cras ultrices cubilia montes. Hac est mattis morbi si molestie ultricies lorem. Iaculis ultrices non primis ac bibendum pharetra mollis aenean lobortis in.

Branding, Logistics

Trusted Logistics Partner and Mutual Core Values

Dui penatibus cras ultrices cubilia montes. Hac est mattis morbi si molestie ultricies lorem. Iaculis ultrices non primis ac bibendum pharetra mollis aenean lobortis in.


What they say about us

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